
Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

"I love you but you have no idea what you are talking about."

Very cute movie. Definitely different! Acting is great and the story is quite funny. Absolutely fantastic in every aspect of film making! Its about two kids from completely different families and in different situations, who find a connection in their shared sense of loss, either from parents who were deceased or parents who were alive, yet never present. The struggles to survive their individual childhoods are soothed by each other. In one another they find the support to move through their pain, progress into adult situations and give each other comfort they couldn't receive from adults. 
Just about every element that goes into production that I can think of was spot-on. Whether it be the characters, music, story, tone, look of the film, or anything else really. This was my first Wes Anderson film after Rushmore, and he's acquired one more fan. His films are not for the masses, as they are subtle and, quite frankly, more intelligent than the fodder we are fed by corporate Hollywood.  If you don't like the quirky pathos infused humor, you just won't like this movies. Wes has his own voice and clearly his own aesthetic vision. A joy from start-to-finish for me, this is not a recommendation, this is a must-see.

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