
Lost in Translation (2003)

"The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you"

A fading american movie star with a sense of emptiness, a neglected newly wed meet up as strangers in Tokyo, Japan and form an unlikely bond. One of the best movies ever made about loneliness, "Lost in Translation" is about two completely different Americans who meet at a hotel in Tokyo and bond through their shared disappointments with life. It certainly is NOT a typical romantic comedy, most probably because the relationship between Bob and Charlotte is not so much about love as it is about truly understanding where the other is coming from.
They are both stranded away from home, Bob filming commercials and Charlotte's husband off at a different photo shoots, and when they meet they find a connection that they can't find anywhere else in Tokyo. I will admit that film is not for everyone. But for those who get it, it's an unforgettably rich experience. 

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